Still Here and Never Sane (the Joaquin Phoenix story)

Get this, actor Casey Affleck has decided to direct and release a documentary about Joaquin Phoenix (that guy who played Johnny cash and then lost his fucking mind). It focuses on Phoenix’s decision to retire from the acting world in 2008. However, we all know he retired to do what he really wanted to do with himself. He decided to become a rapper, because somehow after gaining thirty pounds and growing a massive beard, he thought people would be into that, you know? Of course, I don’t think he ever released a full album and i only really know of One Show.

So, this movie is here to detail us on just what its like when somebody goes off the deep end. From what I’ve heard it seems as if it will just do that. New York Magazine had word from sources that, “Phoenix snorts cocaine, orders call girls, has oral sex with a publicist (it’s unclear who was the giver and who the taker), and treats his assistants abusively.” They go on to mention a particular incident in which apparently he gets defecated on by one of his friends. Now, this movie could be something of a shocker piece, but it could also just be another Borat. In which case, they seem to have taken it much farther and do we really need that? But then again, nothing could be more entertaining than an in-depth look of a washed-up actor in his real-life situations … right?

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