The most terrifying movie trailer.

So, I was browsing imdb like I do on a regular basis and I came across something very exciting. A couple of weeks ago I heard about Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, Guillermo Del Toro’s (writing and producing, not directing) new project. I heard the rumor that it was getting an R-rating for “pervasive scariness”. Everyone was saying the film would not be extremely violent or have any profanity, but that it would be rated “R” just because it was supposed to be that absolutely frightening. Now, the new trailer (what I found on imdb) says the film is rated “R” due to “Violence and Terror”, however it could just easily be classified as pervasively scary. So, I watched the trailer. It was fucking scary. That is all I have to say, check it out down below.

(turn the volume way up and sit in the dark for this one)


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