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Best of the Decade

Posted in Classic Film, Contemporary Beauties with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 2, 2010 by itsnothumanpodcast

  1. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy – this trilogy is probably the greatest adaptation of any other novel/series of novels ever made. Peter Jackson Created in these movies a legend. He revolutionized CGI and made three of the most visually appetizing films of all time. I had always categorized these movie as being absolutely brilliant, but I never realized until I went back and watched them recently, just how fantastic they are. The work that Jackson does with his editing (albeit they are 2:35-more hours long) and camerwork is breathtaking. The long shots and single shots he gets of the land that the fellowship walks to destroy the ring are to die for. And the CGI is all too mezmerizing. go back and watch the making of stuff, it will shock you just how tall Elijah Wood is in comparison to Frodo. These movies not only embody JRR Tolkein’s tales, but the embody all that cinema has given us in the past one hundred years.
  2. There Will be Blood – This is a brialliant force of biblical proportion with a script like the words of a mericless God that wishes to smite those who come in his way and a raw and brutal portrayl of the main character by Daniel Day-Lewis, who gives what will surely go down as one of the greatest performances of all time. The cinematography is absolutely beautiful and shows us the scope of the world Daniel has conquered.
  3. No Country for Old Men – the Coen Brothers’ masterpeice that is a collection of their inspirations, deadly wit and brass originality. the suspense is unlike any other and the use of sound and cinematography in the view make it a cinematically perfect movie.
  4. Up – When I first saw the movie (and even the second time) I cried withing the first ten minutes. The opening montage alone makes it one of the best movie of the decade.However, it is the heartwarming sincerity that Pixar puts into the film that makes it one to watch over and over again. It is exactly what it says: a family movie. Not just one the kids will enjoy, but people of all ages.
  5. Slumdog Millionaire – Danny Boyle’s beautiful look at an inspiring story of how the good will someday get their due is a awesome peice of cinema that utilizies everything that is correct in the film industry.

    His cinematography captures all forms and his art direction could not be more exciting. The inspiration from so many Bollywood films is obvious and Boyle has created a masterpeice of inspiration

  6. Superbad/In the Loop – These two movies tie as the funniest films in the past ten years. Superbad is definetely the most sincere and realistic depiction of how boys act and speak in high school setting. Yes, moms, its true your boys talk just like these kids. Jonah Hill and Michael Cera are a perfect combo for these awkward boys trying to get their virginities taken from them and the movie is the best out of the Apatow Crew’s repetoire of the decade. However, In the Loop is the smartest comedy made in the past ten years.

    Basing its self as a farce and satire of the war on terror, this movie creates hysterical laughter and witty intelligence. Certainly this is a movie to check out.

  7. The Royal Tenenbaums – Wes Anderson has only made one movie I haven’t enjoyed. Almost all of his movies are wonderful, but The Royal Tenenbaums might be his greatest work (or The Fantastic Mr. Fox). The script is original and witty and gives this dark comedy all of its qwirk. Anderson also seems to have an odd way of constantly bringing out the best in each one of his actors, with an amzing ensemble cast of stars.
  8. March of the Penguins – must be one of the greatest feats in the nature documentary. The dedication the film had to have taken in order to show us the Journey these crazy creatures take would have been a difficult task. To be in freezing cold weather that even the animals have trouble handling is wild to think about. And the film gives us an entire in-depth look at how these animals breed. It is visually stunning and emotional captivating to watch. At times you can laugh at the penguins as they waddle along and at other moments you cry for their misfortunes. This march is one of the msot heartwarming and breath taking peices of nature cinema ever made.
  9. Shaun of the Dead – this is why