Archive for Tears

what to be excited for for june 18.

Posted in New Releases with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 12, 2010 by itsnothumanpodcast

actually, there are lots. Which is nice considering that almost everything released recently (this summer) has been pretty awful and uninteresting. BUT! In looking at the line up, a couple of things strike my attention.

Of course the big one would have to be Toy Story 3, but who wouldn’t have guessed that? Pixar has been putting out so many good films within in the past few years that they can’t possibly fail now. And with a new film to the family classic that wowed people 15 years ago, this weekend will prove to be a lot of fun.

Toy Story 3 isn’t the only blockbuster hitting screens this weekend that sounds like a blast. If you haven’t heard of Jonah Hex, then check out IMDB for a look at this thrill ride of a western. Now, it sure looks ridiculous and almost pointless to be made into a film, but I think that’s what makes it so enticing. It’s the story of a bounty hunter with a scarred jaw who is hired by the US government to hunt down a national threat (also the man who scarred him and killed his family). However, he also does so with intense weaponry and a prostitute side kick. It does sound dumb now, but watch the trailer. So, this movie might prove to be really bad, but with a cast including Josh Brolin in the lead and John Malkovich as the villain, this western-graphic-novel adaptation might prove to be a fun action film.

And now we go to the movies that are releasing this weekend that are supposed to be fantastic films. I am Love and Cyrus are also coming out in theaters … but only in limited release (which means big cities and places unlike where most come from). I am Love starring Academy Award Winning Actress Tilda Swinton is about a family that falls apart after the central member (Swinton) goes into an affair with her brother-in-law’s friend. It looks to be an emotionally fuelled film with lovely cinematography and fabulous talent. However, it looks like I’ll have to wait for a DVD copy. Cyrus, which might be a surprise that it is limited release (Considering it stars John C. Reilly and Jonah Hill). The movie has gotten some great critical reception, especially at the sundance film festival. A man falls in love with a woman and then gets trouble when her 20-someodd year-old son, who still lives with her and is overly protective, comes into the picture.

Find the movie trailers here!